“Exam” vs. “Test”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “exam” and “test”

  • Although generally interchangeable, the word "exam" has a slightly more formal connotation than "test."
  • Exams are typically broad in scope and cover a large amount of material, while tests can be more targeted and focus on specific areas or skills.
  • Exams tend to have a higher impact on a student's grades than tests and are usually given at the end of a course or term, while tests can be given at any point during a course or program.
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What is the definition of “exam” and “test”?

  • An exam is a formal assessment usually given at the end of a course or term.
  • It often covers a wide range of topics and requires the recall and application of knowledge acquired over a period of time.
  • Exams can determine a student's grade or success in a particular course or qualification.
  • A test is an assessment tool used to evaluate a student's knowledge or proficiency in a particular area or subject.
  • It can be given at any time during a course or program and may cover a specific topic or skill.
  • Tests can be used for diagnostic purposes, to measure progress or achievement, and to identify areas where a student needs additional instruction.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Test” is the more popular variant on the web.
1,210,000,000 results on the web
  1. I have an exam in math next week, so I better start studying now.
  2. The final exam was so difficult that many students were left in tears.
  3. I passed my driving exam on the first try; I'm so proud of myself!
More popular
5,550,000,000 results on the web
  1. The teacher handed out a surprise test on Friday, catching everyone off guard.
  2. The math test was difficult for even the smartest student in the class.
  3. We had 10 tests throughout the whole semester, which was honesty one too many.
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