“Awake” vs. “Wake”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “awake” and “wake”

  • "Awake" (adjective) refers to a state of consciousness, while "wake" (verb) refers to the act of emerging from sleep.
  • "Awake" can also refer to a broader state of awareness, while "wake" is more specific to the action of opening one's eyes after sleep.
  • Additionally, "wake" has a secondary meaning related to a nautical trail, while "awake" does not have any other definitions beyond the state of consciousness.
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What is the definition of “awake” and “wake”?

  • Typically used as an adjective, "awake" means to be conscious or alert.
  • It can also refer to a state of being no longer asleep.
  • Being awake can also mean being aware or knowledgeable about something.
  • Commonly used as a verb, "wake" means the action of rousing from sleep.
  • It can also refer to the trail of disturbed water left behind a boat or ship.
  • A wake (noun) can also be a ceremony held in memory of someone who has died.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Wake” is the more popular variant on the web.
136,000,000 results on the web
  1. I was still awake at 2 am despite my efforts to fall asleep.
  2. She was wide awake after drinking too much coffee.
  3. He became awake to the perils of the dark forest.
More popular
705,000,000 results on the web
  1. I set multiple alarms to ensure I wake up on time for my job interview.
  2. The sound of the garbage truck passing by woke up the entire neighborhood.
  3. My cat likes to wake me up every morning by meowing loudly in my face.
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