“Ago” vs. “Since”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “ago” and “since”

  • "Ago" focuses on the time that has passed from a past event or action to the present, whereas "since" emphasizes the starting point of a period or event to the present.
  • "Ago" is typically used with specific durations, such as "two hours ago" or "three months ago," while "since" is used with specific points in time, such as "since yesterday" or "since 2010."
  • "Ago" is used to express a past event or action, while "since" indicates the starting point of a period or event that is still ongoing or has ongoing consequences in the present.
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What is the definition of “ago” and “since”?

  • "Ago" is used to express a past time period, indicating how much time has passed before the present moment.
  • It is typically used with a specific duration, such as hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
  • "Ago" is used to describe an event or action that occurred in the past, and it emphasizes the time that has elapsed since that event or action.
  • "Since" is used to indicate a specific starting point in time, referring to the beginning of a period or event.
  • It is often used with a point in time, such as a date, year, or specific moment.
  • "Since" is used to express the relationship between the starting point and the present moment, highlighting the duration or time that has passed since the starting point.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Since” is the more popular variant on the web.
4,250,000,000 results on the web
  1. I visited Paris two years ago, and it was an unforgettable experience.
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