“Each” vs. “Every”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “each” and “every”

  • "Each" refers to individual items or people, while "every" refers to a collective group.
  • "Each" emphasizes uniqueness, while "every" highlights similarity.
  • "Each" is used to denote different parts of a whole, while "every" is used to represent wholeness or unity.
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What is the definition of “each” and “every”?

  • Refers to individual items or persons in a group separately.
  • Usually used when there are two or more things or people in comparison.
  • It emphasizes individuality and focuses on the unique qualities of each item or person.
  • Refers to all members or things in a group as a collective unit.
  • Used to refer to all items or persons in a group at the same time.
  • It implies uniformity and emphasizes the similarity of items or people in a group.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Each” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
7,640,000,000 results on the web
  1. Each student will receive a personalized study plan.
  2. Each piece of artwork was carefully chosen for the exhibit.
  3. I need a different set of textbooks for each course.
7,170,000,000 results on the web
  1. Every morning, I drink a cup of coffee to start my day.
  2. Every employee is required to attend the safety training session.
  3. Every year, the company hosts a holiday party for its staff.
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