“Find” vs. “Find Out”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “find” and “find out”

  • "Find" can be used for both physical objects and abstract concepts, while "find out" can only be used for abstract or intangible concepts.
  • "Find" can also be used to mean "think" and has various other meanings, while "find out" is mostly limited to the pursuit of knowledge.
  • "Find out" suggests a derived outcome, while "find" can be an isolated action.
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What is the definition of “find” and “find out”?

  • To locate or discover something that was previously hidden or unknown.
  • It can be an action undertaken intentionally with the objective of discovering something.
  • It can also imply luck or chance, in that the object might be discovered by accident.
Find out
  • To inquire, investigate, or gather information with the objective of discovering something.
  • It is often used in the context of acquiring knowledge or information.
  • It also suggests a result or outcome, as the process of "finding out" implies the attainment of new information.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Find” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
14,710,000,000 results on the web
  1. I need to find my keys before leaving the house.
  2. Can you help me find a good restaurant nearby?
  3. It's not always easy to find a good job these days.
Find out
3,090,000,000 results on the web
  1. I need to find out what time the movie starts.
  2. We should find out more information about the company before investing.
  3. She was shocked to find out that he had been lying to her the whole time.
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