“Besides” vs. “Except”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “besides” and “except”

  • "Besides" introduces something additional or alternative, while "except" introduces something that is excluded or not included.
  • "Besides" adds to the existing information, "except" narrows it down by making an exception.
  • "Besides" is often used to expand the discussion, while "except" limits it.
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What is the definition of “besides” and “except”?

  • "Besides" is used to introduce an additional point or alternative option in a discussion or argument.
  • It is often used to indicate something else apart from what has already been mentioned.
  • "Besides" can also be used as a synonym for "in addition to" or "moreover."
  • "Except" is used to indicate something that is excluded or not included in a statement or situation.
  • It is often used to introduce an exception to a rule or generalization.
  • "Except" can also be used as a synonym for "but" or "other than."

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Except” is the more popular variant on the web.
699,000,000 results on the web
  1. Besides being a doctor, Anna is also an excellent cook.
  2. I don't want anything else besides a chocolate milkshake.
  3. Besides, it's always raining in Seattle.
More popular
1,630,000,000 results on the web
  1. I will eat any food except mushrooms.
  2. Everyone was dressed in white except for John, who was in black.
  3. We all went to the beach except Sarah who stayed at home to work.
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