“Adore” vs. “Love”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “adore” and “love”

  • "Adore" suggests a more intense and reverential form of love, often associated with admiration and devotion; whereas "love" is a broader term that encompasses a range of emotional connections.
  • "Adore" carries a sense of reverence or idolization, suggesting a strong and deep affection, while "love" can encompass different types of affection, including romantic love, familial love, or general fondness.
  • While "adore" is often used in the context of relationships with people or objects that are held in high esteem, "love" has a wider applicability and can be used to express affection and attachment in various contexts, including relationships, hobbies, or personal preferences.
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What is the definition of “adore” and “love”?

  • "Adore" is a verb that means to have a deep affection, love, or admiration for someone or something.
  • It conveys a strong and intense feeling of affection and doting, often associated with a sense of reverence, worship, or idolization.
  • "Adore" is used to express a profound level of admiration, usually toward a person, an object, or an experience.
  • "Love" is a noun and a verb that represents affection, attachment, or strong positive emotion toward someone or something.
  • It encompasses a wide range of emotions, from tender affection to passionate desire or care.
  • "Love" is a broad and versatile term that can be used to express various degrees and types of affection, including romantic love, familial love, platonic love, or love for objects or activities.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Love” is the more popular variant on the web.
163,000,000 results on the web
  1. She adores her grandmother who always gives her wise advice.
  2. He adores his favorite band and attends all their concerts.
  3. My sister adores her cat and always posts pictures of him.
More popular
6,530,000,000 results on the web
  1. The couple's love for each other grew stronger over the years.
  2. He loves watching his favorite sports team play and never misses a game.
  3. She loves going on walks in the park and enjoys the fresh breeze.
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