“Admit” vs. “Accept”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “admit” and “accept”

  • "Admit" emphasizes the act of acknowledging or confessing something, often with a sense of honesty, while "accept" focuses on the act of embracing or agreeing to something willingly, often with a sense of receptiveness.
  • "Admit" implies an acknowledgment of a truth, fact, or wrongdoing, whereas "accept" implies a positive or receptive response to an idea, proposal, or offer.
  • "Admit" relates more to disclosure or granting access, while "accept" relates more to embracing or incorporating something into one's beliefs, actions, or experiences.
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What is the definition of “admit” and “accept”?

  • "Admit" means to acknowledge or confess something, typically a truth, fact, or wrongdoing, often in response to a question, accusation, or request for disclosure.
  • It implies accepting or acknowledging the reality, existence, or validity of something, whether it be an idea, situation, or one's own actions.
  • "Admit" can also refer to granting someone access or permission to enter a place or participate in something.
  • "Accept" means to willingly receive, embrace, or agree to something, such as an idea, proposal, or offer, often with a positive or open attitude.
  • It involves acknowledging or embracing something without resistance or objection, showing readiness to incorporate it into one's beliefs, actions, or experiences.
  • "Accept" can also pertain to recognizing and acknowledging the worth, value, or validity of someone or something.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Accept” is the more popular variant on the web.
396,000,000 results on the web
  1. I must admit that I made a mistake.
  2. He refused to admit that he was wrong.
  3. She had to admit that she had not prepared for the exam.
More popular
3,260,000,000 results on the web
  1. She gracefully accepted the award for her outstanding performance.
  2. They readily accepted the invitation to the wedding ceremony.
  3. She accepted the job offer without hesitation.
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