“Complete” vs. “Perfect”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “complete” and “perfect”

  • The term "complete" suggests that everything necessary for the task or item in question has been included and nothing is missing, whereas "perfect" is more concerned with the absence of flaws or shortcomings.
  • Completeness can be determined by quantifiable measures such as checks off a list or by meeting certain standards, whereas perfection is more subjective and may be influenced by personal opinions or ideals.
  • Something can be complete without being perfect, and vice versa. For example, a completed painting may have some imperfections, but still be considered complete, whereas an incomplete painting can still be considered perfect in the eyes of some.
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What is the definition of “complete” and “perfect”?

  • To be complete means to have all parts or elements necessary for something to be considered finished or whole.
  • Completeness can also refer to a state of thoroughness or extent, such as a complete analysis or a complete understanding of a subject.
  • A completed action or task indicates that it has been finished or successfully accomplished.
  • "Perfect" refers to a state of being without any flaws, errors, or imperfections.
  • It can also mean the highest level of excellence or achievement in a particular area.
  • Perfectionism is often associated with the pursuit of flawlessness or the desire to achieve ideal conditions.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Complete” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
4,700,000,000 results on the web
  1. She needed to complete her essay before the deadline.
  2. He felt a sense of accomplishment when he completed his first marathon.
  3. I want to complete this survey before midnight.
3,230,000,000 results on the web
  1. That cake looks perfect with the frosting and decorations.
  2. His timing was perfect, arriving just in time for the surprise party.
  3. She studied hard and received a perfect score on her math test.
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