“Ill” vs. “Sick”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “ill” and “sick”

  • Being ill typically implies a more severe medical condition than being sick.
  • Being ill suggests a longer-lasting or chronic condition, while being sick often implies a shorter-term illness.
  • Harboring an illness can also refer to mental health disorders, while being sick is typically used to describe physical conditions.
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What is the definition of “ill” and “sick”?

  • Refers to a more serious medical condition that could potentially be life-threatening.
  • Often implies a long-term and chronic condition that affects one's overall health.
  • Can be used to describe mental health disorders in addition to physical illnesses.
  • Typically refers to a more temporary and short-term condition that can be treated and resolved.
  • Can refer to a wide range of physical ailments, from minor illnesses such as a cold to more severe conditions.
  • Can also be used figuratively to describe a feeling of discomfort or unease.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Ill” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
703,000,000 results on the web
  1. The doctor diagnosed him with a severe illness that required immediate treatment.
  2. The flu outbreak left many people feeling ill and unable to go to school or work.
  3. He was absent from school due to his illness but managed to catch up on his assignments.
695,000,000 results on the web
  1. I might have to call in sick tomorrow if I still have a fever.
  2. The smell of rotten eggs makes me feel sick to my stomach.
  3. He's been sick for days and can't seem to shake off the cold.
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