“Malfeasance” vs. “Misfeasance”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “malfeasance” and “misfeasance”

  • Malfeasance is an intentional act of wrongdoing, whereas misfeasance is an act that is lawful but performed negligently or improperly.
  • Malfeasance is typically considered a more serious offense, potentially resulting in criminal charges or civil litigation.
  • Misfeasance is often related to a failure to fulfill a duty or responsibility, while malfeasance involves a deliberate disregard for the law or ethical standards.
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What is the definition of “malfeasance” and “misfeasance”?

  • Malfeasance is a term used to describe an intentional wrongdoing or illegal act committed by a public official, corporation or individual.
  • It involves knowingly and deliberately performing actions that are not lawful, ethical or moral.
  • Malfeasance can result in criminal charges or civil litigation, and is a serious breach of trust.
  • Misfeasance is an act that is lawful, but performed improperly or negligently.
  • It refers to a situation where someone with a duty of care or responsibility fails to fulfill that responsibility competently or adequately.
  • The consequences of misfeasance can range from minor harm to significant injury or financial loss.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Malfeasance” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
4,670,000 results on the web
  1. The former CEO was accused of malfeasance after embezzling company funds.
  2. The politician was caught practicing malfeasance by accepting bribes.
  3. The company faced scrutiny for malfeasance in not properly disposing of hazardous waste.
745,000 results on the web
  1. The doctor was accused of misfeasance for misdiagnosing the patient.
  2. The contractor faced charges of misfeasance for using subpar materials in construction.
  3. The government official was found guilty of misfeasance for failing to act on a critical issue.
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