“Appraise” vs. “Apprise”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “appraise” and “apprise”

  • Appraise has a focus on evaluating and determining the value or worth of something, while apprise is focused on communicating information.
  • Appraise is usually related to objects or practical situations, whereas apprise is related to sharing news or updates about a situation.
  • Appraising requires expertise, while apprising does not necessarily require any specific knowledge or experience.
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What is the definition of “appraise” and “apprise”?

  • Appraise means to evaluate or assess the value, quality, or nature of something.
  • It is commonly used in regards to valuing a property, an antique, or an employee's performance.
  • Appraising requires an expert knowledge or experience in the field being evaluated.
  • Apprise means to inform or notify someone of something.
  • It is commonly used in regards to giving someone updates or news about a situation.
  • Apprising requires the act of communicating information to someone.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Appraise” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
27,900,000 results on the web
  1. I asked the real estate agent to appraise my property before putting it on the market.
  2. Before buying the used car, he had a mechanic appraise its condition.
  3. The art collector hired an expert to appraise the value of a painting before making an offer.
4,880,000 results on the web
  1. Could you please apprise me of any changes in the schedule for the conference?
  2. The company policy requires managers to apprise their team members of any updates or announcements.
  3. The detective apprised the witness of the importance of providing accurate information in the investigation.
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