“Arrant” vs. “Errand”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “arrant” and “errand”

  • The two words have completely different meanings, with arrant meaning total or utter in a negative sense while errand refers to a specific task or message.
  • Arrant is often used to describe someone’s behavior or attitude, while errand is used to describe a specific task that needs to be completed.
  • Arrant is an uncommon word that is rarely used in modern English, while errand is a common word that is used in everyday conversation.
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What is the definition of “arrant” and “errand”?

  • Arrant means complete or utter in a negative sense, often used to describe a person's behavior or attitude.
  • It is often used as a synonym for "total" or "utter" in a negative context, such as "arrant nonsense."
  • Errand means a short trip made to accomplish a specific purpose, often for someone else.
  • It can refer to a task that is both necessary and relatively easy to accomplish, such as running a quick errand to pick up groceries.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Errand” is the more popular variant on the web.
1,530,000 results on the web
  1. She was an arrant liar who couldn't be trusted.
  2. The arrant stupidity of his actions resulted in his firing.
  3. The arrant disregard for safety led to multiple accidents.
More popular
14,500,000 results on the web
  1. I'm just running an errand to the store for some groceries.
  2. He was sent on an errand to deliver a package to the office.
  3. She went on an errand to pick up her dry cleaning.
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