“Evoke” vs. “Invoke”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “evoke” and “invoke”

  • The key difference between evoke and invoke is that evoke refers to bringing forth a reaction or feeling, while invoke refers to calling upon a specific power or law.
  • Evoke is typically used in a more emotional context, while invoke is used in a more formal or legal context.
  • Evoke deals with intangible concepts, while invoke deals with tangible things such as laws or authorities.
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What is the definition of “evoke” and “invoke”?

  • To evoke means to bring forth a reaction or feeling in someone or something.
  • It is often used to describe something that brings up memories or thoughts from the past.
  • Evoke is used to describe something that is intangible and often emotional.
  • To invoke means to call upon something such as a higher power, authority, or law.
  • It is often used in a formal context or in legal situations.
  • Invoke is used to describe something that is tangible and often involves a specific action or consequence.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Invoke” is the more popular variant on the web.
75,800,000 results on the web
  1. The smell of fresh bread baking in the oven evokes childhood memories of my grandmother's kitchen.
  2. The beautiful sunset over the ocean evokes a sense of peace and tranquility within me.
  3. The music played by the street performers on the busy street corner evokes a lively and joyful atmosphere.
More popular
81,100,000 results on the web
  1. The lawyer tried to invoke sympathy from the jury by telling them his client's tragic backstory.
  2. The coach invoked a sense of determination and motivation in his team before the big game.
  3. The priest invoked God's blessings upon the newly married couple during their wedding ceremony.
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