“Temerity” vs. “Timidity”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “temerity” and “timidity”

  • Temerity and timidity are opposite traits - one involves excessive confidence and the other involves a lack of it.
  • Temerity can lead to reckless behavior, while timidity can hinder personal growth and development.
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What is the definition of “temerity” and “timidity”?

  • Temerity means excessive confidence or boldness.
  • It is often considered a negative trait.
  • People with temerity may take unnecessary risks.
  • Timidity means a lack of courage or confidence.
  • It can also refer to shyness or hesitation.
  • Timid people may avoid taking risks or speaking out.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Timidity” is the more popular variant on the web.
2,120,000 results on the web
  1. I can't believe Tom had the temerity to talk back to the boss like that!
  2. Only a person with great temerity would attempt to climb Mount Everest without any training or equipment.
  3. The politician had the temerity to deny the allegations, despite overwhelming evidence against him.
More popular
3,060,000 results on the web
  1. The timid girl was too scared to speak up during the group discussion.
  2. He faced the challenge with great timidity and failed to make any progress.
  3. Timidity often holds people back from achieving their full potential.
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