“Requester” vs. “Requestor”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “requester” and “requestor”

  • "Requestor" is not as commonly used as "requester."
  • "Requester" is the more widely recognized and commonly used term to refer to someone who makes a request.
  • The majority of English speakers and standard dictionaries prefer the term "requester."
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What is the definition of “requester” and “requestor”?

  • A requester is someone who makes a request or demands something.
  • It is someone who is asking for information or materials from someone else.
  • A requestor is also someone who makes a request or a demand.
  • It is also used to signify a person who is asking for information or materials from someone else.
  • "Requestor" is not as commonly used as "requester."

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Requester” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
5,210,000 results on the web
  1. The requester has asked for an extension to complete the project.
  2. As a requester, it's important to be clear and concise with your requests.
  3. The requester was pleased with the timely response from customer support.
3,670,000 results on the web
  1. The requestor submitted a formal request for additional resources to complete the project.
  2. As the requestor, it's important to provide all necessary information in your request.
  3. The requestor was surprised by the quick approval of their request by management.
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