RESUME(영문 이력서) 초안 생성

한글 또는 영문 이력서 내용을 입력하면,
AI가 Resume에 적합한 표현을 사용해
Resume 초안을 만들어 줍니다
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여기에 Resume(영문 이력서)가 생성됩니다
사실과 다른 내용이 생성될 수 있으니,

검토 후 사용하시기 바랍니다.

Resume AI 생성기 장점

Resume 맞춤 단어 사용
  • resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic
  • ...
직무 맞춤 내용 생성
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작성 시간 단축

엔그램 Resume AI 생성기 FAQ

  1. Resume AI 생성기는 누구를 위한 것인가요?
  2. The AI resume builder is for non-native English-speaking students, professionals, and others who are seeking jobs in English-speaking companies or international corporations.
  3. Resume AI 생성기를 사용하면 어떤 점이 좋나요?
  4. The AI resume builder can help you find the right words for your resume to better convey your accomplishments, and it can also incorporate job-specific jargon that is tailored to your industry. It can also make your resume writing more productive by reducing the amount of time you spend drafting.
  5. Resume AI 생성기는 어떻게 사용해야 하나요?
  6. If you have an unfinished resume, copy and paste its contents into the resume builder. Then click the Generate button to create a resume draft. If you don't have an existing resume, create one by entering the names of the jobs you've held along with simple job descriptions. A resume draft will be generated that matches your input.
  7. Resume AI 생성기 사용시 유의사항은 어떤 것이 있나요?
  8. The resume draft serves as starting point and should be customized to accurately represent your skills and accomplishments.
  9. Resume AI 생성기에 대해 문의 또는 건의할 사항이 있는 경우 어떻게 해야 하나요?
  10. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at