Experience natural
English translations
with the Engram Translator

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What sets
Engram's translator apart

All-in-one solution
Translator + Grammar checker +
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When benchmarked
against competitors
More natural and
accurate translations
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image describing the feature of Engram's paraphrasing feature

Engram’s translator FAQ

Who should use Engram’s translator?
Engram’s translator is for students and working professionals whose native language is not English yet need to write in English for school or work.
Why use Engram’s translator?
Translating other languages into English is a task that demands significant time and effort, irrespective of one's proficiency in English. Initially, it is necessary to understand languages other than English, then translate the encapsulated meaning into English, and subsequently enhance the English phrases seamlessly into natural expressions. The Engram Translator streamlines the entire procedure by having algorithms go through these stages first, subsequently generating a draft. As a result, it minimizes the time and effort required of translators.
What sets Engram's translator apart?
Engram Translator provides English translations that are more natural and accurate compared to competitor services. This capability is made possible by utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) optimized for generating fluent English sentences, similar to ChatGPT.

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